Building and Maintaining Brand Trust

There’s a world of information at our fingertips, but how much can we actually trust it? Research shows misinformation is spreading faster than ever – up to six times faster than accurate news items – with digital platforms enabling the amplification of fake stories, erroneous claims, or unreliable information.

Whether misinformation is shared intentionally or by accident, the risks for PR pros are the same. It can erode trust in the brand you represent, undoing years of hard work in minutes.

While you can’t control what other people say or share online, you should be aware of how PR and misinformation are linked, and what you can do when you encounter it – all of which we cover in the guide, PR in the Age of Misinformation: Building and Maintaining Brand Trust.

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How to Spot Misinformation Online

Whether it comes in the form of deepfakes, fake news, or conspiracy theories, misinformation is causing disruption not just for the media, but organizations and society at large. For brands who find themselves at the centre of false news claims, the negative implications can be profound.

In any business, PR and misinformation are closely linked – after all, PR professionals are the ones who must deal with misinformation and the consequences it brings. The first step is knowing where misinformation can arise, such as in:

  • Clickbait content
  • Deepfakes & AI
  • Conspiracy theories
  • Fake news

In some cases, it’s obvious when something is false or intentionally misleading, but more and more, the fake news is harder to track, the deepfakes harder to identify. Diligent fact checking is a good first step to identifying whether content is trustworthy, but that alone may not be enough. PR and comms teams need a more strategic, streamlined approach to identifying misinformation and protecting their brands. That’s where our guide comes in.

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What to Expect From Our Guide to Battling Misinformation in PR

As the teams responsible for managing and protecting their brand’s reputation, PR and communications professionals need to be hyper-aware of how misinformation can impact their brands – and what they can do to fight against it.

In our misinformation in PR guide, we explore:

  • The rise of misinformation what’s driving it, and how it affects brands
  • The critical role PR teams play in battling misinformation
  • The tools and techniques to combat misinformation and protect brand reputation

Knowing how to handle misinformation in PR roles is going to be a big challenge as more content is created every day. With our guide, you’ll be better equipped to spot misinformation and take the critical next steps to fighting it.

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