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Financial Times
International Adviser
The Independent
Real Homes
The Sun
The Telegraph
Financial Times
Michael O’Dwyer (@_MODwyer) has been named Chief UK Business Correspondent at the Financial Times. Michael, who joined the title in 2021 as Accountancy Correspondent, will be covering the intersection between business and politics, the big issues affecting UK companies and boards, the City of London, the UK's 'Edinburgh reforms' for financial services and other topics.
International Adviser
Alina Khan has joined International Adviser as a Reporter; she will be covering all stories on financial advice, wealth management, life insurance and health insurance. Alina was previously at Independent Nurse, where she was a Reporter.
The Independent
Holly Evans (@holly_evans98) has been appointed as a News Reporter for The Independent and can now be reached at her new email address. She previously covered the courts beat at MyLondon.
Cameron Clark (@Cameron_W_Clark) has been promoted to Head of Social Editorial at, where he was previously Deputy Head of Social. Cameron joined Metro in 2021 from The Times.
Additionally, Rob Young (@robjyoung) is now Assistant Head of Social. Rob joined the social desk in 2020 and was previously Senior Social Producer.
Callum Cuddeford (@cudlum) has taken on the role of Court and Crime Reporter at MyLondon, where he previously covered general news. Callum can continue to be reached at the same email address.
Russell Hargrave (@Hargraver) has joined POLITICO’s London office as UK Energy & Climate Editor. He previously worked for Third Sector magazine, the title for the charity sector, as a Senior News Reporter.
Real Homes
Emily Lambe (@em.lambe) has joined Future as Deputy Digital Editor for Real Homes. Emily was previously a Digital Writer at Immediate Media, working on BBC Good Food and Olive Magazine.
The Sun
Laura Purkess (@laurapurkess) has joined The Sun’s money desk as Consumer champion and Senior Consumer Reporter. She is keen to hear about exclusive stories related to money and personal finance.
The Telegraph
James Fitzgerald (@jamesfitzjourno) is now a Senior Reporter at The Telegraph following four years at Citywire. He can be contacted regarding personal finance, financial services, business stories and related topics.
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About Natalie Beale
Natalie is Cision UK's Senior Content Editor, based in London. She manages the UK Media Moves newsletters, which showcase the latest journalist news and moves, as well as highlighting industry events and awards.
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