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Assured Intelligence
BBC News
Irish Examiner
STV News
The Telegraph
Owen Hughes
Assured Intelligence
Eleanor Dallaway (@EleanorDallaway), former Editor and Editorial Director of Infosecurity Magazine, has founded her own content platform; Assured Intelligence is designed to upskill CEOs and the C-suite in cybersecurity – but in a non-tecchie, business-focussed way. Pitches for interviews, comments and op-eds can be sent via email.
BBC News
Jonny McGuigan (@jonnymcguigan) has been named Streaming Editor at BBC News. He will be supporting the new Channel’s Live and Breaking team and leading the development of livestreams to run on BBC News online, BBC iPlayer and Jonny has worked at the BBC for over seven years, most recently as Senior News Editor, iPlayer.
Rachael Martin (@rachael.alice.martin) has joined GRAZIA from Boots, where she was a Digital Health and Beauty Writer. Rachael is now Junior Beauty Editor across print, digital and social; her working days are Tuesday to Thursday.
Irish Examiner
Ronan Smyth (@RowSmyth) has joined the Irish Examiner as a Business Journalist following almost five years at the Irish Daily Mail. Ronan can be reached via email.
Ana Clara Paniago (@anaclarapaniago) has been appointed UK Content Lead at Reddit. Clara previously worked at Twitter, where her most recent role was Curation Desk Lead, UK.
STV News
Craig Meighan (@craigymeighan) is now a Political Reporter on the digital team at STV News. Craig was previously with Newsquest as a Multimedia Journalist.
The Telegraph
Mike Smallcombe (@mikesmallcombe1) has taken on the role of Assistant News Editor at The Telegraph. Mike joined last year as Digital Sub-Editor, before which he was Content Editor at Cornwall Live.
Freelance Update - Owen Hughes
Owen Hughes (@owenrdhughes) is now working on a freelance basis and is open to writing and editing commissions on all things relating to technology, work and business.
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About Natalie Beale
Natalie is Cision UK's Senior Content Editor, based in London. She manages the UK Media Moves newsletters, which showcase the latest journalist news and moves, as well as highlighting industry events and awards.
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