20 May 2024 / in UK Blog

The press release is a powerful tool. In fact, 68% of journalists say the press release is one of the most useful types of content a PR professional can deliver, according to the 2024 State of the Media Report. Writing an effective press release can be the key to building earning media coverage for your brand and increasing your brand equity. But first, you need a news angle.  

So how do you keep your content calendar full of compelling, attention-grabbing content in an overly saturated media landscape and 24/7 news cycle?  

It is likely that your organisation is full of great stories waiting to be told. A press release must reveal something new or “newsworthy” to capture the attention of both the media and your audience. A newsworthy piece of content is timely, relevant, and impactful – it should overall reveal something that will hold value for – or have an impact on – the intended audience.  

Not sure where to start? Take a look at these 40 ideas—the possibilities that exist within your own organisation may surprise you—then keep reading for tips to ensure your hard work doesn't go unnoticed:   

  1. Opening a new business 
  2. Relocating or opening a new office  
  3. Announcing company expansion 
  4. Launching a new product 
  5. Announcing a product update or new product feature 
  6. Rebranding or updating your company name  
  7. Announcing contest or competition  
  8. Announcing contest results
  9. Celebrating a company milestone or anniversary
  10. Launching a new website
  11. Supporting a non-profit or cause
  12. Volunteering
  13. Receiving a donation
  14. Participating in a national or local event
  15. Launching a new campaign
  16. Results from a survey or study
  17. Changing a product name
  18. Receiving an award
  19. Announcing financial earnings results or forecasts 
  20. Announcing a conference call
  21. Sharing monthly sales reports
  22. Releasing a thought leadership piece from an industry expert 
  23. Publishing tips or educational information
  24. Announcing an acquisition or merger 
  25. Hosting a webinar 
  26. Re-purposing a blog post 
  27. Promoting an upcoming event  
  28. Announcing an accomplishment  
  29. Receiving a certification 
  30. Introducing a new hire
  31. Announcing a retirement
  32. Announcing an internal promotion 
  33. Announcing a new partnership or collaboration 
  34. Restructuring your business
  35. Announcing something tied to a major holiday 
  36. Announcing something tied to a local or national story or event 
  37. Announcing a new service  
  38. Issuing a letter to shareholders  
  39. Announcing a new investor  
  40. Offering a free training or resource 

Remember, a press release is not an ad and should not focus on low prices (50% Off! Buy Now!) or use direct appeal to consumers (“you” language). A press release should always lead with a news angle and appeal to the interest of both media and key audiences. Almost anything can be turned into a news story; you just have to find that hook. 

Where to Send Your Press Release: 7 Ways to Make Your News Known

Now that you have a reason to write a press release, it’s time to share it with the world. But where do you begin? Check out these channels and tactics for effectively distributing a press release and making sure it gets seen by the audiences that matter.

#1 - Use a newswire service.

One of the fastest, easiest, and most commonly used methods for distributing press releases is by using a reputable newswire service. A service like PRNewswire, for instance, will enable you to quickly send your press release to a wide array of news outlets and online platforms.

#2 - Share it on social media.

97% of journalists are active on social media platforms, making social media an obvious distribution channel for your press release. It’s also free and easy! Don’t stop at posting just on your brand’s channels, either; encourage your employees – from the CEO to individual contributors – to share on their social media channels. Consider investing in a tool like Sociuu, which enables employees to share key (PR-approved) messages quickly and easily.

#3 - Put it on your company press page.

One in three journalists find a company’s press page to be useful for finding content that sparks ideas. If you don’t already have one, create a dedicated “press release” or “in the news” section to your company’s website, where you can make it easy for journalists and other stakeholders to find key news and announcements.

#4 - Optimise it for search engines.

When creating your press release, keep search engine optimization (SEO) best practices in mind.  That means including relevant keywords in the headline, subheadings and body copy. Adding multimedia elements in your press release and formatting it for readability (think short paragraphs and bulleted lists). Employing SEO tactics will make it more likely that your news will appear in organic searches online and in front of more eyeballs.

#5 - Repurpose it for other channels

The beauty of a press release is that it can easily be repurposed and converted into other content – from blog posts and social media updates to sponsored content or ads. Don’t let your press release be a “one and done” event – get as much mileage out of it as you can.  

#6 - Pitch it to curated group of journalists.

Putting your press release on a newswire is a good first step to getting your news in front of journalists, but dedicated outreach to journalists and influencers who might be interested in your news will reap the biggest rewards. Start by building a curated media list of journalists who would be interested in covering your story, and then formulate a compelling pitch to grab their attention and pique their interest in covering the information in the press release.

#7 - Share it with industry influencers.

Look for the industry influencers who might also be interested in sharing your news, especially if it has the potential to impact their followers. These days, the term “influencer” can mean a lot of things, so think outside the box and consider reaching out to podcasters, bloggers, or thought leaders – as well as your own employees or even satisfied customers – to see if they would consider sharing your news.

Pro tip: If you need help identifying and engaging journalists and influencers who would be willing to share your press release with the world, consider using a media database.

A quality media database like CisionOne, for instance, will not only help you find a host of media contacts to help amplify your story, it will also have up-to-date contact information, so you can get in touch easily, as well as key intel on everything from outreach preferences to recent social media activities.

To learn how CisionOne can help you identify the right audiences to amplify your news schedule a demo today.

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